If we had Dame instead of Jrue in ‘21, do you think we would have won the championship?
Who’s your favourite player to watch that is not in the NBA Top 75 All-Time?
Replacing the Skills Challenge at ASW: Pass-Ketball
That's an interesting stat. Brad Stevens did his thing in both drafts.
Dallas is running out of players and may have to forfeit games. Can they legally assign J Kidd as ‘Player/ Coach’ since he is already being paid by the Mavs?
I can remember Before I was Born. AMA
What’s the most compelling evidence you’ve seen that aliens are real?
Did you hear what happened to the president of the American stone fruit association?
Havrard has acknowledged the existence of "Life force" as a type of Heat or Bio-electricity, Multiple studies show profound benefits from practice
Tony Greig and those keys in the cricket pitch
Dead great white sharks keep washing up with 'enlarged brains' and no one knows why
I was shown that there are actually 5 elements, not just 4 (Earth, Wind, Fire, Air)
GOAT Midrange shooter?
Serious: Leaked KGB Images of an EBE
Does Wemby dislike/not respect Giannis lol?
Why are so many people turning to drugs for enlightenment?
Potential Nickname for Ajax - The Wolfman
How Do The Deeply Spritual And Deeply Religious Explain Evil People?
Cow 1: Someone has been stealing all the protein from my milk
I am interviewing Eric Burlison, the House of representative gentleman that assisted in the congressional hearings with David Grusch and also the hearings recently. Any specific questions I should ask?
Who’s an NBA player you always respect because of what they have done to specifically your team?
These are all the same thing…
These are all the same thing
Is Capitalism killing the NBA and its viewership?