Am I putting too much pressure on myself to pay my loans off quickly?
Is a 40k down payment dumb for a car that cost around 50k?
What was she hiding in this big hair?
Hinako’s character model look so incredible, so expressive. Really carrying Silent Hill 3’s torch with great looking character models
Do you have a regional accent?
Is there a new Lana and an old Lana?
Tan Lara with blue eyes
Why are they being quiet and secretive about patch 1?
West side townies, every time there's a car accident
Elizabeth Hurley as Madame Rosmerta
Advice: emergency fund
HBO's head of IP, Sarah Aubrey, briefly talks about casting
Behold the monstrolara
My one gripe with FF7R: No OST option.
How are fans of the reboot games liking the Classic Remasters?
Tomb Raider Unreal Engine 5
Games that are similar to the Tomb Raider trilogy
Next Bloober x Konami game - realistically, when?
Definitely the highlight of the Netflix show for me [Spoilers for the final episode]
If the new Tomb Raider ever comes out, do you want these gameplay mechanics to return?
Fans like this make me genuinely not interact with the fandom lmao
If you could Add or Change anything about Kingdom Hearts, what would it be?
Hot Take: KH3 isn't bad we just grew up.
Bug when jumping for switch in TR4
Tomb raider remastered 4-6 crawling backwards with modern controls