Do med breaks destroy you?
is it placebo?
Vitex/Chasteberry/Premular effecting efficiency of stimulant?
Does take Vitex/Chasteberry supplements with their stimulant medications?
Crashing early during Luteal Phase?
30 mg wearing off 6 hours
How do Inattentive ADHD Types describe feeling of meds working? And how can we better understand/support Inattentive Types?
Anyone else have to keep increasing dosage until it worked?
It doesn’t work anymore :(
Anyone else feel like Vyvanse made their ADHD worse?
Moschino Cheap and Chic Hippy Fizz: what’s similar?
Can *too low* a dosage cause zombie response?
Can *too low* a dosage of stims turn you into a “zombie”?
Anyone have the "emotionless" feeling, and how do I lessen it?
Poor task initiation on stimulant
Zombie-like on Vyvanse (early days)
What does your adhd feel like?
What’s one thing you absolutely cannot do? The one thing your adhd brain just goes haywire if you do?
I keep getting distracted by useless internet rabbitholes and can't seem to pull myself away and be productive.
First time taking Vyvanse and feeling weird….
Impossible to initiate tasks on Vyvanse
What are apps that actually help you and why?
Your favorite game?
Has anyone else experienced this on Vyvanse?