Gym Trauma
gym trauma, good or bad?
tiba-tiba dapat jackpot, good or bad? 👃🍑
tiba-tiba dapat jackpot kat gym
New GISB just dropped ☭ 🇨🇳
GISB v2.0: China Edition ☭ 🇨🇳
Hmmm 🤔
Sus.. Malaysia Boleh? 🤔
Maybe Maybe Maybe
Ayaya Cute
Grand Theft Auto VII: KL Editon
Grand Theft Auto: Kuala Lumpur
SMJK Krian
Salah sape ni ??
Who is at fault here ??
Drive a GTR, and people give way.. drive a Myvi, and they block you..
Good Abang, Bad Doggie
Bad Doggie
Is this legal?
New way to make U-Turn?
Apparently there is a cyber war between Malaysia and Indonesia hackers... anyone else knows about this?
To be a dog
Meanwhile on wikipedia