Why do people blow up Lvl 50 Players trying to sell their acid lab stock?
My gpu fan goes off every few mins
MacBook Pro m1 14” to G14
Which model is worth getting given the cost?
Rockstar needs to fix their game bruh
VW überlegt in den Rüstungsmarkt einzusteigen
Can I buy the Super Diamond off someone? :)
Why does my case fan do this?
Would it be better to enlarge the arrow keys for easier pressing?
Enhanced No Crossplay
2nd free HSW upgrade?
Price difference between a 4060 16gb vs 4070 32gb worth it?
Anybody else get low GPU utilization (50%) in the Enhanced version on an RTX 4090?
should I migrate Criminal Enterprise Starter Pack or create new character with $4million?
When downloading GTA Enhanced I can't access the Criminal Enterprise Starter Pack
Hey guys, what do you think of him? His name is zucchini!
DIY - Laptop Riser :)
Dirt in the Slash, Impossible to clean
how hot is too hot for AAA games?
this game is genuinely terrifying :,)
New Bike Day
Schnelles Gericht mit Reis und Fleischsauce namens "Reismann sitzt auf einem Berg" :)
G-Helper adjustments
Wieso parkt mein Chemie Lehrer so?
What’s the difference?????