Lotus Eater adept
You can select ALL the GMs, even those you have done
What barrel and mag is best for this?
Which highly touted prospect is on the verge of washing out and becoming a bust?
Is lord of wolves good DPS now?
Prismatic or Strand for Hunter running Barrow-Dyad? Foetracer or other exotics?
Keraunos - should I farm for Overflow or is Triple Tap enough?
it's time to bring back Red War
Job sent invoice for .50c for going over on lunch.
Just another Hunter having fun in the wild.
Treliving has made this team worse
Can someone please talk me into liking the Prismatic Hunter Supers for PVE content?
What Destiny sound effect would you pick as a phone notification sound?
[BR Open Ice] Landeskog on people worried about him retiring “They might have to rethink things a little bit”
Do you use D2ArmorPicker to make builds?
Should I just try other video games before giving up gaming?
Dire Hobgoblins speak
Glaive with Beacon Rounds
Any of you cool cats run into an issue with Whirlpool Topload washers running drain pump after cycle complete?
My friend group of 12 made their top 5 games of all time. Who do you think has the best list? 👀
i am new to play destiny on pc
Graal the Adventure Swamp Town Preview
What do I do with Trials of Osiris Passages after I have 7 wins?