Jonathan Majors wants to return to the MCU as Kang. Would you like him back?
Gluttony if he were a Pokémon:
Just finished fmab 😭
The fact that THIS is a Spotlight variant is lowkey insulting
Community Manager Responds to "The Unwinnable Game Phenomenon" Submitted Question
What's your favorite pixel?
In mask of the phantasm, why was alfred so shocked at this?
Feels like this was all afternoon today.
New Blueprint Locations?
My family wants me roasted. 37f mom of 4. Each family member added a pic.
Goodnight mustaches
This is What I Was Afraid of...
Out of these Marvel characters, who do you think is the "coolest"?
If you had to choose an actor from these to play Joker who would you pick?
I genuinely need somebody to explain to me, what the hate behind this movie is..because, I felt it was great.
Who Would You Rather Have: Prime Shaq or Prime Giannis?
Is anyone else insanely attracted to Shauna Shipman?
Say nice things about Scream 2022
The hell just happened
Over half of the cards in the best deck are season pass cards
NOO!!!! How can they end like that 😭😭
Is there even a chance this guy is natty? 5'8.
Guys I fucked up
This has to be a joke right??
New player here. Is it just me or is Agamotto ridiculously strong?