Reminder: This is who you’re arguing with in the comments section…
A picture of the dsa
If they actually know the meaning of fascist or Nazi, they would realize that they are one.
[Poland] Opel driver overtakes illegally on double solid line, and on a crosswalk, in front of unmarked police car
Yes visotka 10 story building and store with empty shelves 😍
Was Patton right?
The Final Boss.
Will a 2003 Cassette/ Cd radio fit into a 2008?
Concerned English Citizen: “Why am I in cuffs? Because of something he shared & then I shared?” Police Officer: “Because someone has obviously been caused anxiety based upon your Social Media Post. That’s why you’re arrested.”
Free Towncar update--I guess It's my turn.
Our President did this. Thank you Mr. President for what nobody else could/would do. (300 gang members, murderers/rapists sent to El Salvador's CECOT, modern mega maximum security prison)
Would you guys replace the intake manifold as preventative mantinance or wait for it to develop an issue?
"L" doctor!!! 😂🤣🤣
Colorado woman keys swastika on CyberTruck (hate crime?)
Colorado woman keys swastika on CyberTruck
You won't get service like this😍in your Fascist-baby-killing-machine.
Liberals in 2040 or sooner.
A platoon at the ready.
Why do they hate us for this?
Crown Vic P71 front and rear suspension replacement suggestions…
Report these liberals to the FBI immediately.
Uh, Good Luck With That.
Government project gone wrong
This taxidermy combination
Campers wake up surrounded by hundreds of massive crocodiles
2000 towncar, factory keycode took out aftermarket key fob & drivers door controls