Question for dog owners who don't use leashes at Cemetery Memorial Park
Do you guys leave the price tags on your CDs?
Is this a good deal? Marantz 2220. $450.00
Just picked up a cheap 5.5 gen on eBay.
Does anyone else buy on record even thou they aready have Spotify?
Does anyone else buy on record even thou they aready own on CD
“What difference does it makes when your dick is circumcised?”
*Chefs Kiss*
Finally invested my money to buy a diamond tipped needle , here is the old one
Dr. Sager prefers the warmth of analog
The worst possible vinyl sound
cat on the nad
How bad is this?
How do I fix my precious Tay Tay sleeve that lives on my wall?? Plz help
How do I fix this?
That’s a $400.00 drop in price. A bargain!!
Discussion on 5th anniversary releases
Damn, and I really liked this one too 😔
Just brought my first ever vinyl!
I have given up
Vinyl Wall Collection So Far
I finally got around to fix these, and enjoying them now.
Fuck you.
Regretting that blue led decision…
Cat scratch fever
Heard y’all like cats.. on stereos