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Weekday activities for 3year old?
Where were you in life at 22?
Child-free friends
"Do You Make Separate Meals for Your Kids and Yourselves?"
Do adults look forward to anything with excitement anymore?
Suggestions on privacy wall trees with flowers?
What age are we actually potty training our kids?
Do your 'people' have kids?.
Edmonton police clear pro-Palestinian encampment at U of A campus
Looking for female rage speculative fiction?
What is the history between the encampments, homeless shelters, and the advocates of low income/assisted housing?
What do you SWEAR you saw, but don’t have any proof of?
Hybrid style schooling
I’m planning a cross-country voyage through Canada and would like to know what the “to die for” sandwich places are where you live.
'We're terrified': Hundreds rally in support of trans kids
How important are your partner’s political views to you? Is it a dealbreaker if they don’t align with your own?
Violence in classroom
Turn on the news and tell me one thing you see worth growing old for.
What "ingredients" can you make from scratch that people might not know about?
unpopular opinion
Best cards for 3 year olds?
I feel embarrassed about going to a cafe so often that the staff already know my order.
Is getting really excited over things you love "cringe"?
Does anyone else have a degree(or more than one degree) and still struggle with finding work? I feel like I wasted my time and money.