What is something that's constantly brought up on reddit, but you never encounter in real life ?
Health plan deductibles are growing seven times as fast as wages
Any tips on fixing a waning libido? Would switching to an IUD (vs BCP) help?
[Advice] Girlfriend was molested as a child and started having flashbacks, need help.
What's the most amazing thing the human body does that people have no idea about?
[Post Game Thread] Texans vs. Panthers
[Pre-Game] Texans Vs Panthers
The Weekly No Question is Dumb Thread- Sep 17, 2015
Game Thread: Philadelphia Eagles (0-0) at Atlanta Falcons (0-0)
MRW I have my Mirena removed two weeks ago, and my leg hair stops growing and my feet aren't cold anymore.
Reddit, what's your high schools tragedy? [NSFW]
Texans cut EZ Nwachukwu
Tom Savage leave preseason game with shoulder injury.
did you have your partner there for iud insertion?
[Game Thread] Houston Texans Vs New Orleans Saints
Does anyone have a good ELI5 source that explains which parts of the brain and body PTSD interferes with? I'm trying to research supplements that might alleviate my symptoms.
EZ with the stank face of the year
Any advice about coping the day after nightmares?
"Female Viagra" approved by the FDA
Ladies - Impact of Hormonal Birth Control?
I have PTSD. HIFW All I want to do is have normal awesome sexy times with my Beeb, but can't because flashbacks.
I [25F] am 3 months pregnant and I want my husband [27M] to stop drinking in our home or while I'm present in solidarity, but he says it's selfish and stupid.
My [28F] husband [37M] is googling jailbait.
MRW one of the little girls I take care of has a horrible life at home and is obviously abused and neglected, but CPS says that by law there isn't enough evidence to take her away.