H: mods/ plans W: 1 AA, 1 swift, 1 rapid, and 1 vital mod box
H: 5 leaders or 35 bg W: rolled gamma gun and salvaged assaultron head ( can provide u rolled head if needed )
H: 5 leaders W: as much Ultracite 10mm I can get
H: weps W: other Wep offers! Collecting Melees, pistols, heavy weps, and BP weps!
H: pistols for update W: any offers
XBox Deathclaw Hand Auction 2025 bidding closes at 8pm central time
H: misc, Weps, more W: groll fatman, AAor I /E/25 Gauss rifle, groll AB ( I do NOT want to craft these, they are for personal collection )
Raid Bundle Giveaway #3! How do we feel about the new ghoul characters? Are we gonna be Radist? Or Accepting? Giveaway Ends March 18th at 6pm PST
H: misc W: leaders
H: misc and Weps W: groll melees, pistols, bp weps, or Gauss rifles for my collection
Hey everyone, Courier Meg Here!
H: mutant/exp/swift EPP W: 5 leaders
H: misc, Weps, more, W: I/EX/25 and AA/EX/25 Gauss rifles or leaders ( Absolutely zero mod boxes to craft these weps, they are for my collection)
H: misc, Weps, other stuff W: invis rev sword, groll melees, bp weps, and pistols
[XB1] H: giveaway 200 big guns just pick a number 1-60 and who’s ever closes i’ll give them it
H: 5 leaders or caps W: 2 rolled combat knifes
H:7x bloodied 1x quad 2x uny 3x explosive 1x rapid 11x vats enhanced 2x vital 1x arms keeper 1x pack rats 1x thru hiker 1x pin pointers 1x pounders 3x rangers 1x rejuvenators mods w: offers
H: leaders W: 3 pounders, AA, and SS mod boxes. Name your price also will do mod:mod trade below
H: caps W: 3 rolled combat knifes ( weird request Ik ) any roll
H: Collectors Weapons W: Offers, leaders preferred
H: Groll Nuka Shanks!!! A few 4 stars with Pounders. All fully tradable. W: Offers.
H: Bffrfr Gat Laser, BE3i Impro Revolver, VE3S AGL, VE250 Peppershaker, VE25 Peppershaker, QE25 10mm SMG, TsE250 Gauss W: Crystal, Gold, Oil, Antiseptic, Silver, Salt, Pepper, Spice or Leader
H: Legacy 419 dragons invis rev swords legacy bos initiate paint W: Leaders
H: misc, Weps, other stuff W: groll melees, bp wep, and pistols offers, will hear out other offers
H: leaders (20-45 per knife ) and stuff in post before this one. W: these cultist daggers ( tap for full image )