Used to watch the anime as a kid, had to pick these up
Overwatch in an alternate universe
Does cutting benefits work?
Got these yesterday
Does anyone else like it when their manga has thicker text?
Now that Kaneki is coming to DBD who else would you want to see from other Anime?
Keir Starmer strikes again with a policy even IDS can’t support
What's your To Be Read stack look like? This is mine!
Why do so many people think that seinen = dark and gritty?
DC is bringing out the big guns and giving fans what they want: NEW DC OMNIS INCLUDING BATMAN BY TOM KING VOL 1!!!
What's something about your collection that you dislike?
Picked this up for $18 this morning. Excited about all these Dark Horse manga we are getting!
Is there a manga that can be called OBJECTIVELY the best manga of all time?
I do a little collecting
Mercy x Roadhog Smut. Wings and bacon
How often do you shampoo your hair ?
Which would you rather be?
What metal band/artist can you simply not stop telling people about?
Excuse me???
First haul :p
Gunsmith Cats has a reprint yay
Rape my wallpaper out of 10