Weight gain
Season 4 finale (ep.12-14)
What TV series is a 10/10?
How many calories?
PhD students of reddit, do you have mindless hobbies? If so, what are they?
TNA leggings
Babaton Fall Collection: what are your thoughts?
AITA for using the money my deceased aunt left for her son to replace my MacBook he broke
We should place a curfew forcing everyone to sleep/stay home at night.
Who evolves the most as a character?
Which scenes make you cry?
Underated backstory
Give me an out of context quote
Anyone else panic buying because of stock? 😭
People of Reddit You unexpectedly time travel back to 1985 the only way back is the long way back what are you going to do?
What are you glad exists?
Anyone else’s doodle seem to be part mountain goat?
Halp! Black dood needs a name
What are you glad isn’t “cool” anymore?
Should you only do a PhD when the topic speaks to your soul?
Babaton Fall 21 Collection Launches Thursday, August 19
S05E11 "Chapter Eighty-Seven: Strange Bedfellows" Live Episode Discussion
Man with a zoology degree ended up working at starbucks
Did you notice, as a kid, when they change the dumbledore's actor when Harry Potter 3 first came out ?
TNA fall launch this Thursday! Thoughts/comments on any of the items in the preview?