I’ve had 2K24 since release and played almost daily
At what age did you have your first drink, and how was the experience?
Aeris just whispered something in Tifa’s ear. What did she say?
Which actor could play as Alex Mercer?
Neon Balls Evangelion
The credits in High Potential caught me off guard
This is why his royal rumble spot went to him
Why Triple H? WHY?
What are your thoughts on the Rumble winner?
Why do we Hate prototype 2?
[OFFER] Some GOG games.
Guys, what do you think would happen to these four random NXT superstars if they got a call up to the main roster and which brand they would go to?
[OFFER] Any Game of Your Choice
Who is the best mic worker among these guys
What y’all playing this weekends !
Am I the only one who likes Karrion Kross
Who from AEW do you think will end up in WWE first?
Has anyone played or heard of the Prototype series?
Can anybody suggest Songs for loneliness
I am about to get murdered for this tier list
A respectful listening/sharing people in Noida.
DLC prediction based on popularity in Japan
This year will be 30 years since the Montreal Screwjob, and battle still rages between those who think it was a “work” and a “shoot”. What side of the fence do you fall on?
WWE and TNA announce multi-year partnership!