my sister is in a depressive episode and won't eat
[Update] My asexual friend said she's in love with me and it makes me sad.
Google Home Minis won't recognise custom routines
My parents named me after a fantasy TV show character, and it's deeply affected my life
Games new formats for sharing?
Mouse moving between monitors in wrong spot
My boyfriend wants me to do things with him that I'm not comfortable
Is there a tier list maker that allows words only?
movies with captions?
List of hidden message activated full screen animation effects
PSA - Exeing/voting a neutral is not rude
recently started having migraines on my period
select which apps activate game mode
i broke up with him and i never loved him but it hurts
What was your “I’m dating/married to a fucking idiot” Moment?
what exactly is Yukon about?
Does anyone have these and can confirm that the OG theme song is present?
A question about Episode 10 season 1"Histories"
"God other women have it so easy. I wish I was a stupid fucking idiot moron like these other women, but I'm just so intelligent, man I sure envy being a stupid piece of shit loser ☹️"
Deleted scrobbles that I didn't delete
My keyboard's arrow keys have volume up/down symbols on them. Hitting, shift/alt/ctrl doesnt adjust the volume, so how do i use my arrow keys to adjust the volume?
Rage bait or is she serious?
How do I ask for ADHD medication with other mental disorders?
Specific spot in Hulu show "House" no audio?
Captions showing lines that aren't in the audio