Dangerous Dames Day 24: Catelyn Stark
Texts on nostalgia and memory-object attachment
One of my favorite edits from S1. I hope we get more of them together in S3, no matter how their relationship evolves—whether they grow closer or drift apart again
What profession would you never date?
Anna Karenina isn’t really about Anna at all. Levin is the true protagonist of the novel
Whose landing was better?
New stills of Rhaenyra, Daemon, and Jacaerys!
Never gonna give you up 🎶🎵
Why didn’t Aegon choose Aemond as Hand of the King and instead chose Criston Cole?
Dany: I want to build a new good world, I'm going to break the wheel. Her closest circle:
Dangerous Dames Day 21: Rhaenyra Targeryen
Dangerous Dames Day 20: Arya Stark
Does it matter if a king/queen personally fights in battles?
As a Team Black, what Team Green opinion shocks you the most?
Constant negativity and arguing in this sub.
“They speak around me not to me”
Why Daemon is passive against the Greens?
Nordic 🤝 TB
What you think about "chemistry" between Jace and Baela in the show?
How similar they are!😅
More cast photos
Dangerous Dames Day 14: Olenna Tyrell
An unpopular opinion of yours that would likely get you downvoted on both the TB and TG subs?
It wasn’t until today that I finally realized Daemon truly knows how to comfort Rhaenyra where she needs it most