The New Mom School
Graduated at 39w2d
Graduation story!
Cup holder for Nuna Exec Car seat
Induction (closed, high cervix)
32 weeks and baby is measuring in 99 percentile…
Does acupuncture really induce labor?
Eating dates to help labor prep?
Voluntary induction at 39w
Don't want to bother with an educator
Pros of a larger baby
33weeks - 99% boy projected at 10lbs
Gentle Birth Tincture Reviews
Which one for newbie?
Are you being induced?
Rug Size
When did your numbers change over the course of your pregnancy?
Getting Induced via foley balloon due to GD at 38 and half weeks!
Finished our gender neutral woodlands themed nursery at 39 weeks!
To schedule an induction or not?
Has anyone tried Namesake cribs?
Induction next Thursday at 39 +5
Leaning toward elective induction at 39 weeks due to big baby, being uncomfortable, living far from the hospital and spouses work schedule