How do you tell your girl you don’t feel like having sex without hurting her feelings?
There are 500 grapes in front of you, for each one you eat you get $1000 but one is poisoned and will kill you instantly, how many are you eating?
David Kaye had to have the biggest fall from grace. From being a prominent member of an upper class community, earning well over 6 figures a year, to being a high risk convicted sex offender working dead end jobs.
What do y’all do to protect your car from potential vandalizing? Bc after I got this today I think I might need to
This predator had the gall to say keep your genes (as in DNA matter) in your jeans (as in pants) when he came to the house wearing shorts.
ARE Testing Motivation Help
Chris should start going after teachers.
What does success look like to you?
Working towards Licensure question
Architect Computer
How do you personally view these guys that get caught?
Do I look like I need fourteen year old girls!?
TCAP’s version of “The Creation of Adam” painting?
Do you have homeless feet?
If you had to have a sex change, what part of your body would you want enhanced more than anything else?
Okay, do you guys brush your teeth before or after breakfast ?
If a child ask you “What is the purpose of being alive” how would you respond?
Good oral care is important
I feel kind of bad for Dr. Wolin
90s Horror Villain Impact
Cats or Dogs
🎙️Episode 23 is LIVE - Mentorship: Does anyone stick out in your mind?
Anybody else does this
This is Ryan Gosling screen name : BayJones