CMV: A pause on immigration should be wanted by the majority of the population and should be seen as an opportunity to create an actual Living Wage.
Teens commits suicide after developing relationship with chatbot
Net Migration Rate in Europe by country in 2024
Slut shaming and the perception of male sexuality
Disney Plus Japan Exec Admits Anime Industry Making "A Shift Toward More Acceptable Expressions" In Order To Appeal To Wider Audiences
CMV: Standing in solidarity with Palestinians does not mean endorsing or supporting everything Palestinians believe in
CMV: GamerGate was actually right, and is not about bigotry. Its about the destruction of Gaming Culture and the Gamer Identity by outsiders.
Irish Locals Clash with Police over Immigration Centre Development
CMV: It’s wrong for black people to mock/make fun of white people
The WNBA losing money is not an excuse to pay the players so little.
Men and women are not friends. One of them always wants romance or sex from the other.
Being Tall Doesn’t Make A Man A Better Protector
CMV: Casual sex doesn’t have to be superficial
CMV: Based on the plummeting birth rates in most developed nations we can safely say women throughout history have had *far* more children then they wanted and when they actually have a choice, they choose less
Does anyone know why Halo show so highly rated on IMDB? This looks really weird, there is no way even for casual Halo fans to be this stupid
CMV: The problem with feminism isn't that most feminists bash men, the problem with feminism is that most feminists are far more tolerant of man bashing than woman bashing
'Anyone But You' could spark a rom-com renaissance in Hollywood
CMV: Replacement level fertility is impossible in liberal urbanized populations
75% of ticket buyers for "Mean Girls" were women.
People who say Cyberpunk is woke has no idea what they’re talking about.
CMV: The majority of modern gamers are entitled, overly negative, and impossible to please. It's bad for the industry, positive gamers, and themselves.
cmv: We should start preparing young boys better for the possibility that they will never be in a romantic/sexual relationship
CMV: Barbie will have a much bigger impact on female lead blockbusters than The Marvels.
What do you all think of invincible? Are you aware of how woke the show is compared to the comics?
CMV: There is no hypocrisy in condemning Israel harsher than the Assad or Saudi Regime right now.