Why do a lot of people do nothing to try and avoid an accident?
I just realized that the most charismatic and liked people are quite roundabout and diplomatic, just go with the flow and validate other's feelings instead of sharing their own opinions.
Scanning film. RAW or jpg?
So it’s one of those days, huh?
What differences are there between young people back in the days and young people in modern times?
Gun related fatalities average almost 130 people passing everyday in the US. The second from it, car accidents. Averaging at 120 per day. With that in mind, should we as a society regulate our drivers and roads more harshly?
Dramatic change in style of Roman portraits over time. Eyes become strangely huge and technique less refined.
Songs from the 60's/70's Never Given a Chance
[Canon 5D mark II]
ITAP of a Flamingo
Hey does anyone know why my flash is doing this?
What’s something you wish you knew about therapy in your 20s?
What to do when I am the only Guy in my college class
Books where assassin characters actually do some assassinations?
i have nothing to say anymore.
Container ships outside of Astoria, Oregon [Ektara 100|Olympus M-1|Zuiko 50mm 1.4]
ITAP of a Snowy Egret in Flight on a Foggy Morning
Anxious Leisure [Fuji Color 200, Mamiya ZM, 50mm]
[Ektar 100 - Om Zuiko 1.8 - Olympus M1] A Picture of my Husband from my Second Roll of Film Ever
Does Robin Hobb ever get less depressing?
Wheel of Time only has character conflict caused by the characters not saying what they think
How is life under stagflation or deflation?
When you passing semi/trucks on the freeway, do you do anything to notify them?
Did you ever have a "Don't you know who I am?" moment?
New film camera