That meta moment when an irl piece of media is refrenced in fiction?
Any Class Archetypes in your wishlist?
What is the weirdest debate you have ever gotten in to?
Creators doing stuff they hate and ACING IT
That time Doctor Strange assembled a D&D party he wouldnt mind losing to jump into a Jumanji and save some kids.
I updated Thief racket to feel like an actual thief and created an Assassin racket to take the place that Thief previously occupied.
Smash Bros creator Masahiro Sakurai honored by Japanese government for pioneering game design tutorials | VGC
Solas's VA says his favourite way to play Inquisition is as a woman who romances himself, which is apparently 'the best'
What game choice, feat, class detail, etc. makes you Irate even though you know its balanced
Best celebrity voice casting in media?
What are the worst gods and best gods to server in fiction?
Extremely common actions you do in games that you would never do in real life?
Woolie's a good uncle:
They've really done Boris dirty with this model
A countdown appears on the Tony Hawk game website…
There’s a perk in Suicide Squad kill the justice league called “Unlimited Girlboss Works”
Things that are probably never going to be adapted 100% accurately?
Most disappointing boss fights in a Rpg?
Series about a subject matter that doesn't seem to know much or care about it
Animated anthologies for popular franchises you want?
Most hated romance in fiction?
What pieces of lore do you want expanded on?
What's the shortest amount of time between a character being introduced and built up, to them dying and getting offed?
Castle Crashers DLC Update | Wishlist Today!
NPC core and rival academies are soon what are you excited for?