Man, there's really not much armor variety on the new skill split system is there?
Critical Draw skill on Longsword is Insane
Rise is absurdly good, if you have it in your backlog play it while you wait for content updates in Wilds.
This was my experience
Does anyone else hate fighting this this because this is the first monster i hate fighting
Comparing Launch Rosters between Wilds, World, and Rise
How would you rank the last 3 base flagships?
Handicraft high raw not viable?
“More challenging than Tempered Monsters”
For artian forging, is the “element” reinforcement only good when making Elemental weapons?
Cheaters already at it
I really want to see them in gen 6 graphics
What’s a character you thought you wouldn’t like but ended up loving?
(MHFU) The first minute of every hunt
serious talk what happened to zoh shia ? where is zoh shia armor set and weapons ?
In my opinion, it's just lazy that they don't... 😑
He's just a large fella
Why aren't we suiting up these 12' tall massive people to hunt? Sister, you're big enough to strangle a Rathalos to death.
When I realize that my hunts haven't been and won't be invaded any more
For us newer players - Which games to play after Wilds?
Is Flayer Damage Bugged?
Question about older games
An affinity Artisan weapon over WEx?
Could someone help me optimize my LS build?
I've played a lot of MH titles, as far back as ps2, but I actually greatly enjoy the streamlining of Wilds. Am I the only one?
Is rompopolo a bird or bug ?