Have We Fallen So Far that We Legit think that the DCAU is bad???
I just think the Harley Quinn Show fucking sucks because it's about an overrated character that isn't funny, You think it sucks because you think Women aren't funny.
I thought the Fantastic Four were a family, why would they write them like this??? 😭
What's the difference between Ultimate Namor and 616 Namor? Would 616 Namor like the Ultimate version?
The Arrowverse is the blueprint
They will never beat the “Don’t read comics” allegations
Can we pick a new “I must jonkle!” Template to avoid the AI arguments?
Breaking News: bruh ignores key points of show to compare Invincible to complaints about a Superman movie
Why isnt invincible saving lives, why is he so reckless, why is he not taking conquest to space?
What is your favourite live action Daredevil portrayal?
the ultimate meme - comic
Tony visits sick kids (Invincible Iron Man Vol 3 #4)
These people have no shame
Petition for Agent Spider to show up in Beyond the Spider Verse please
Why was L banned? Are the moderators stupid?
Marvel Pedos get off the hook easier than DC Pedos, I guess.
Oh man, the latest episode with the Nightwing variants was amazing- What a great season.
what's their team name?
What the FUCK is her aslume na- wait… aslu- a-a-asy… lum? Asylum! What the FUCK is her asylum name?!
Is it weird I kinda wanna drink that water?
It has been hard being a fan of both Ironman and Wonder Woman
Yes, because it's just so easy for someone to abandon everything and everyone he loves
For the first time in 60 years, Marvel nerds are starting to find "DOOM IS AN ANTI-HERO AND THE WORLD WOULD BE BETTER IF HE WAS ALLOWED TO RULE" stuff a little weird.
Is he... you know?
My Iron man suit tier-list