Which putter style does r/golf prefer?
In the darkest of hours that one ray of sunshine keeps us coming back
One has to go - KidsWB Afterschool edition?
Who will win the PGA 2025 Creator Classic at TPC Sawgrass?
What’s a good way to make a difference if you’re just a random not wealthy person?
When does the week start? on Monday or Sunday?
How would the plot of Star Wars be different if the lightsabers were replaced with pool noodles?
what is universally hated?
People of reddit, what is your current obsession?
One has to go - Disney Afternoon edition?
How often are you putting on fresh gloves?
What's a hobby that actually takes up time?
Anyone else ever end up as a brand loyalist on complete accident?
Everyone here plays golf and scrolls r/golf but what else do you do golf related? Am I now addicted?
What's something you're very obviously addicted to?
Am I the only one that thinks 1995 had some bangers for movies? No matter which genre you look at there was something for everyone. I know I missed a bunch, what did I miss or what was your favorite?
For those that have more than 1 pair of AE's, whats your favorite pair and why? Was it your first pair? Was it your graduation/wedding/first job pair?
What Is Your TOP 5 List But Dot Give Us Your Category?
Loafers bowing out
Change drinking patterns
What are some reasons why most industries are more competitive now than in the past?
What's one thing you do everyday without fail?