What wonderful choices 🫠
I hate being a man 🫠
I kind of wish I could receive special petals by releasing Pikmin, but I wonder if that would eventually make the game too easy?
Games like atlas without money
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"recommend songs recommend songs"
What is the point if you can’t get your fave artist?
Apparently a fan named Jeff Lindsay has written 8 novels worth of Dexter fanfic where the ITK survives among other changes. Gotta admire the fanaticism
Earnings ?
Yippee 🥳
I just discovered that using emoji are a bit of a Reddit faux pas. What are some other unwritten rules I should know?
What’s a childhood snack that disappeared but you still think about?
Me as a non-brainroted guy watching this sub:
Is this a joke?
How many times has Eminem said the n-word?
What is the most insane pricing you have seen?
Deactivated due to fake reports
It’s over.
Who wins?
Can we stop flexing in the shop
Realized at 3:40am after tiling for 4 days that I messed up the pattern in one small area...
If dexer could cross over to other shows who should he splat
Please tell me if this was justified (explanation in body text)