This neckbeard has a problem with a woman with an Adam's apple.
Does anyone else think baylen Dupree is faking? It just so happens everyone’s favorite tiks are the ones she does the most, and most of the time they seem super set up
Two condoms missing—partner (M36) says he used one for “jerking off” but lied at first. Am I (F35) overreacting?
Which horror movie has the most unsettling atmosphere from start to finish?
This is the most horrendous thing I’ve read from tinder
He was putting on a show for his girlfriend until a spider crashed the performance
7.2 Earthquake while scuba diving
Um, wow
Hickeys feel awful, and they're not romantic.
What's wrong with my pics?
Men who ask for your number before your name
Food Stamps Apparently.
I want to watch an extremely disturbing movie
Just get a dance in
Never used TINDER before, so how did I receive this text while I was sleeping?
Terrifying and beautiful Antartica
The Gallows (2015) No Spoilers
People who say “skinny shaming” is just as bad as fat shaming
Aiming down sights (ads) is just bad and way too normalized in shooter games now.
Best Massage in OKC?
Corny habits
I could hardly breathe watching this
Should I print out my Credit Report for the first date or will she do it for me for a fee
Why do you think FF never really took off?