Need new music to listen to!
Which artist would you like to say this to?
Found this in 2 pieces in our house on our stairs. We live in suburban Idaho. No one has any clue what it could be. Looks like an animal tooth. But we don't have animals. So confused.
What's the most notable physical feature in your partner that you never stop staring at and really love about them?
Redditors, would we like you in real life? And why/why not?
Help me name this goofy boy
What tv show did your parents forbid you to watch growing up and why?
Do I look like a Pisces?
What subtle ways has Supernatural infiltrated your life?
Clint Walker — reminds me of Henry!
Clint Walker — what a man!
New era for Vessel
Which Disney Channel catchphrase did you end up quoting for days?
what artist do you like that everyone hates
Things that I hate when playing among us
this show hurts
DAE leave milk on the counter to drink later?
Dumb question, but is there any type of horror movie that you automatically say “nah” to?
vomiting from period cramps. But not endometriosis
What’s your unpopular Supernatural opinion?
What's the best 90s film?
DAE look dead with no makeup? I don’t feel alive without a full face of makeup
What’s a tiny inconvenience that irrationally annoys you?
What sex positions do you find to be overrated or underrated?
if you had a black kitten and a white one, what would y'all name em?
Do any of you guys drink?