I live in California and I am currently applying to Animation schools. Should I continue to live in California even though it’s increasingly disappointing to live there (homelessness, drugs, poor sanitation, political partisanship, etc)?
Is sleep tracking automatic with the SE2? It counted my hours but not my stages. Am I missing any settings? Why isn’t it working?
Gun folks, what would it take for you to get rid of your guns? Conversely, anti-gun folks, what would it take for you to get a gun?
Who's the best Antagonist from ATLA and LOK respectively in your opinion ?
I wanna write a story about Kenyan poaching wars, but I need to do some research. Any good documentary recommendations. I even want to include anthropomorphic versions of Fattu and Naja. Im an American whose never been to Africa so I want to be careful of cultural appropriation.
How much energy did it take to render each frame in Avatar 2. If the insanely high energy VFX are gonna make people care more about the environment than maybe it gonna make some profit FOR the earth. Seems very hypocritical because of the not so subtle message.
I just watched Avatar 2: the gang visits Subnautica
Is Asus RMA really that bad?
Scene from the Japanese anime Barefoot Gen, showing the effect of the nuclear bomb dropped on Hiroshima.
Barefoot Gen is probably the craziest movie I’ve seen in years. It would be cool to see EFAP cover movies that are historical or that have a higher purpose. Maybe even invite history YouTubers on the show.
Does Miles’s parents know he’s Spider-Man. I think it’s implied that his Dad knows and is pretending he doesn’t. I always imagined in the next movie they already would have found out and be like “remember when you had a funny voice and pretended you didn’t know me?”
okay real talk now...am i the only one who hates this redesign?
Why is a pregnant Spider-woman on the front lines? She is putting her kid in danger
[no spoilers] Made some fan art of Jinx!
How can you read/watch historical stories that are extremely depressing in a healthy way? I want to learn more about the Holocaust and WW2 but it’s a very personal subject for me. How can I gain the knowledge and still be mentally healthy? https://boxd.it/joNHy playlist of movies
How can you read/watch historical stories that are extremely depressing in a healthy way? I want to learn more about the Holocaust and WW2 but it’s a very personal subject for me. How can I gain the knowledge and still be mentally healthy?
Why is EFAP a in hot water. I haven’t watched them in awhile and could use some catching up.
Synthetic Man's response to last night's EFAP:
Found a Nazi helmet in the garage of the house we're moving into
What’s the worst criticism for a movie or show you have ever heard
So uh...
Bought this glock 45 less than a month ago- and I love it!!! Also, yes: I am a liberal veteran- we actually do exist!