How do you get your first karma?
Before and afters of turning our formerly abandoned 1927 Detroit home into our forever home. Vacant for 7 years prior to start.
Trade please
Karma for Karma
No upvotes for Ellie?!
what's every parents worse nightmare?
Whats the worst thing anyone said to you during sex?
need karma will reciprocate asap
Karma 4 Karma
Up 4 up please will return
What's the longest time you've gone without sleep?
Pls upvote will do it too
if i gave you a boner, stop and tell me your age
🥺I need a hero
I give up. This life is gonna take me out
Freeze put ur hands up and give me all ur karma
k4k please
Need some karma please so I can post =(
What is you're worst fear?
Give me upvoted. Thanks
I need karma, pls help
Gimme that karma!! Up4Up
What was the 1st game you remember playing on a desktop computer?