For those that played Andromeda, which outpost did you choose? Scientific or military? And why?
Unpopular opinion (?)
You are able to romance one non-romanceable character and there are no gender barriers. Who do you choose?
If I romance Ashley in ME1 will I be able to romance Tali in ME2?
I love my Ryder, my crew and the whole game so far!
Stop staring at me like that
My heart actually sank the first time I heard this.
Did Ashley write this?
V is for
Guys... HE'S EVERYWHERE!!! (If you know you know)
P is for…
A new Jodie I'm working on, what do y'all think about it?
What country is this? (potentially offensive answers only)
To Ignore History
The Most Gangster Politician Ever - Cassius Marcellus Clay, early to late 1800s.
two words tell me where you live
Crabapple? Or chokecherry?
Q? Smoke follows whom? What's your phrase?
Why do we buy eggs if chickens lay them for free? Why not just buy a chicken?
Let 'em rip
You're given 100 million dollars, but you have to cause the extinction of one species. What's your decision ?
A friend of mine thought these were blueberries which I'm confident they are not so I stopped him before he ate any. Can someone ID what these are? North Italy
Men of Reddit, if your dick made a sound every time it got hard.. what would it be?
I got shot at with this weird bullet it’s small but it broke my window what gun is it for
Found these under the chair on my porch