Weekly "Do I Have Lipedema" Thread
3.5 months of cardio progress. Before/after
Arms won’t budge
Which Survivor contestant is barely a man hater?
lipedema was a blessing in disguise
Im going to take urolithin A and continue drinking in moderation
who makes your bs radar go off?
Oh how can I feel more heard
AOC pointing out that all major social media is now controlled by the right wing
I can't do this another 50 years
F27 feeling hopeless about life
It’s a mood
How do you keep on going?
Progesterone and estrogen dominance
I Need Advice
What's your worst actual "hear me out" (can't be conventionally attractive, you must have to actually want to bang them)
Questions for Dr Simarro
Leg Update
Has anyone found anything that helps with their fatigue?
Castor oil (conservative treatment)
Sharing an article about “hypercoagulation” - seems very similar to a number of lipedema symptoms
How to get my INFP friend of three years to open up?