I found this ancient binder at a flgs among the used games and asked to buy it. They just laughed and gave it to me for free. It's full of old character sheets, player-made maps, sketches, and secret notes passed to the DM. Here are some vignettes:
Such great vfx wasted on poorly written work, how's the physics of a regular guy stopping a strike powerful enough to kill optimus prime even acceptable?
Which model to buy next?
Fixing Cambridge Soundworks speakers
What’s the most un-Grateful Dead artist that you’re a huge fan of?
When did you move out?
Kill Team 2021 Components
FSD failed big time. I almost died.
Glenn Danzig vocalist of The Misfits being a Otaku
What Rush tour do you wish you would have gotten to see live that you were never able to?
Tom Servo's Used Robots, as seen on Deep Space Nine's Promenade Directory
If you had to choose only one era of Rush to listen to for the rest of your life and nothing else, which one would it be?
Gunegg WIP dust layer to go.
What's your favorite sarcastic funny Lamb line?
Need your input on a custom NFT design
Fixing bent hammer hafts
Old hammer players, help, can you play thousand sons in 2nd edition. I want to make a retro army but cant find how far back TSons go.
James Swallow novels
James Swallow
What's your favorite line?
It’s almost Macross…
SDF Macross is one of the best shows I’ve ever seen
After LamarMK, this dude has got to be the new patron saint of this sub
Could retrocloning AD&D editions take the best of 1st and 2nd?
Yeah but what if my attacker has a water gun?