[Discussion] best non-online PS4 games to platinum
[EU] [PS] Need some help with the Platnium Trophy
[Discussion] my current collection, what should I platinum next?
[Hogwarts Legacy] #72 finally
[Marvel Rivals] #100! Fun ride! Another Epic Victory!
Can someone please explain why am i not able to move?
[meme] Usually it’s because of difficulty or just an absolute tedious grind for collectibles.
[Grounded] Went back for the PS4 plat after getting it on PS5.
[Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy]#25 The Game does not deserve the Hate it gets.
[Multiple Games] Every Crash Bandicoot game on PS5… and a bonus cameo to round it off! #51 - #57
[Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War] #248 + 100%.
[Lake]#22,#23 Need more games like Lake and Gris
[Dead Island 2] #20 Nothing better than,Multiple trophies at once
[Trophies]Need recommendations…
Is there a cave for the question mark?