Easily one of the best characters
Mug shot of GOP rep who wants to make opposing Trump a mental illness after he solicited a minor
🛠️ PATCH 01.002.200 ⚙️
Best phone app to use alongside MSFS to look up Navaids, etc?
Lorenzo’s is increasing their prices again.
P1 Karax is just. The worst.
Cop walks up to and smacks a guy for calling him a tough guy
From mocking the game in 2024 to pre-order it in 2025!
Can Flipper Zero clone and emulate credit cards?
Does this look Ai generated to anyone else?
Colorado woman keys swastika on CyberTruck
Love standing around for 20 minutes doing nothing
In Air Force One(1997), Harrison Ford (51 years old) played the President. In Captain America: Brave New World, Ford (82 years old) played the President again. This is a nod to the fact that US politicians are fucking ANCIENT now.
This is how I imagine Atalantia looks like
how many of you know that super earth uses child labour?
After 2 years
Did They butcher this scene ?
Permanent volume decrease after using Apple Maps directions?
The New Baghdad Bob
Tonight a man knocked out a gate agent at IAD
Why Cant Larva launch nukes?
I Really Don’t Know What To Say.
Only 9 for literally no reason
When did y'all realise this guy was suspicious?