Does anyone know where this armor set comes from?
Need help finding this face and horns
Unpopular Take: Bella lead Jacob On, Resulting in “The Kiss”
what is with HBO’s targaryen appearance??
Katherine stefan kai elijah gets a pass
The 2005 Adaptation
Cmon, guys there can't just be ONE more night fury...
Save the Orphans, or save Anna?
Flourished Peony
The Drama You Always Come Back To (and why)
[SPOILERS ALL] A Brief History of My Dragon Age Protagonists
Short Reviews of 2024 Cdramas I've sampled this year
How Does Family Numbering work in Historical Cdramas? (mainly Blossom)
The Story of Minglan 知否知否应是绿肥红瘦 celebrates its 6th anniversary today. 2 new clips (combined).
Kill or free the tree spirit?
How do you not fall in love?
Third time trying to remake my Lavellan. I'm having a really hard time making them look like the same person 10 years later, but I think I like my new Lavellan better anyway?
[DAV No Spoilers] I am deeply upset Josephine didn't show up in Antiva.
It's good to see you again, Inquisitor Lavellan.
About the ending…
Request: Can anyone help me recreate my Inquisitor?
Does anyone else think it’s weird how The Vampire Diaries idolizes the confederacy?
What would your Veilguard be like? [DAV Spoilers]
[DAV Spoiler] There's a choice we can make to influence the Solavellan outcome.
Solavellan songs for you <3