What to do for window treatment?
Fiancé painted and did the trim in our kitchen. I don't like it, he says I'm just a hater. Thoughts?
19F Make me cry
Just caught this on eBay... Eco-worthy 6pack 48v 100ah + rack + 10kw solar hybrid inverter... is this price too good to be true?
Multiple different strings
My nose lacks a bridge really but I think it suits me
People who fucked around, what did you find out?
Married with no sex life
How much did you spend on Architect?
How do I clean a greasy fretboard?
What’s the biggest gig you’ve ever played?
Sexy things to do in LA after dark?
Pulling the Trigger, not where we expected to go- scared and trying to stay positive. USA > Portugal
how could I turn this into a lamp?
People of Kentucky, how do you feel about the trade war with Canada in view of the boycott of $9.3 billion of your whisky and goods?
Declare result from function as global variable
Is there a way to control lights from Alexa w/o installing third party apps?
You wake up and see this running for you, what do you do?
Her name is Allie and she...
Welp, this is it. I’m at rock bottom.
Only run script during daylight hours?
The Moment I Knew Reality Wasn't Real
Girl at Chinese restaurant
What type of oil is best for cutting boards?
Robert M., one of hundreds of Philadelphia IRS workers laid off this week, previously supported President Trump. "I thought that someone with, like, his business acumen would have come in with a fine-tooth comb," he said.