Sleep Teef
Best donuts locally?
Jaguars GM James Gladstones’ Post Free Agency Press Conference
Straight guys, have you ever tried or would you ever try a glory hole if you were extremely horny and safety wasn’t a concern?
In your opinion, whats the funniest comedy movie?
Most underrated actress? I nominate Amy Madigan. I laugh and cheer everytime she faces off with that 'Nazi cow" Beulah (Lee Garlington) at the PTA meeting in Field of Dreams (1989)
I'd rather have Gladstone swing and miss than have more Baalke mediocrity.
[PFF] Jaguars Free Agent Grades So Far
"What's it like to have personal space?", said the Doberman owner😂
Me seeing all the cuts knowing damn well Gabe Davis' fatass is staying because of his cap hit
(Schultz) Josh Reynolds gone too
(PS) Glow Pig Giveaway!
The winner of the Glo Pig Giveaway is...Mprintz88!!
What is the worst height a man can be?
Mexican Chocoflan
(PS) Glowing Robot giveaway for fans of The Office
The winner of the GRobot is...MessageMePuppies
Next (PS) giveaway: Glowing Scorchbeast for Scary Movie knowledge
The winner of the Glowing Scorchbeast is...Notadamnperson69!
People who've had bad tattoos, how did it happen?
What do we call this
Glowing Minotaur Giveaway!!
The winner of the Glowing Minotaur is...the_ultimateworrier
Fiend Giveaway on PS!
The winner of the Fiend giveaway is...saint317!