Main playlist just hit 3500 songs. Pick a number from 1-3500 to see if you get a lucky spin.
How to be up to date with what’s going on in the economy / markets?
What fictional restaurant do you wish was real?
Moved to a new city and received a different birth control from pharmacy; are these basically the same?
Any podcasts / you-tubers that you have found to be helpful in your studying?
Took my combination pill 6 hours late
pick a number between 1-646 and i'll give you a song.
Can I continuously skip placebo pills?
If I get offered a job in the city my nex lives in, would it be stupid not to take it simply because they live there?
a song that was meh until you heard it live?
Just graduated college with the wrong major :(
If you are a Christian and believe that sex before marriage is okay… what denomination are you and what are your arguments for why you believe what you believe?
Is the pill making me bloated / gain weight?
not camping out for my show
pit in ATL
General Admission Experience
ketchup doesn't exist, what sauce do you use to eat with fries?
If you could only listen to one artist on a 12 hour car ride, who would it be and why?
Replying to “I see your experience is very limited”
Keeping you in a grey area???
I just watch "Taxi Driver" for the first time. After reading the wiki, I still have no idea why this film is so great, let alone one of the"greatest films of all time". Am I missing something?
recommend me podcasts!!
Low stress, good paying careers?
What does your username say about you?