Skull is confirmed fake, stuck with the bones though
Is this normal in NYC or anywhere in the US?
Valentine proposal update
SOS my hands hurt
Final photos from from Bbno$ and Will Neffs Jayvik stream/ photoshoot
I made Breath of the Wild Guardians in Minecraft ONLY with commands [WIP]
Partner is having ffs consultation tomorrow and I’m nervous
I LOVE the shirt but Link😭
Undetermined bone of some animal found in cebu Philippines. Any one knows what this is?
do you have any notorious customers with nicknames?
[FO] Recently finished these beauties by Neocraft on leatherette.
First time I'll build a paper theater. Any tips I should know about?
Skull and small bone found in southern Mississippi. ID please
built this eye and people keep telling me its bad, are they right?
Ghibli dioramas I came across in Kyoto
What should I name this goofy raccoon 🤣🦝
What secret are you currently hiding from someone that you're willing to share on Reddit?
[CHAT]What is your favorite theme to stitch?
First month on the job how are we doing?
[PIC] new stitching buddy!
[CHAT] I'm terrible at planning.
A Maryland town was duped into believing a Trader Joe’s was opening. It was apparently a senior prank
Have any of y’all *actually* confronted a customer for faking an allergy?
Favorite strange compliment and how you responded...
Should we keep 3 week old kitten?