Nosso Primeiro Beijo.
Key Trainers, useful cards etc
We're getting a little better...
advise for going from normal level to hard?
Tier List
Did squeak ever recharge his own super?
Isso aqui é normal?
What Slayer song/s is this?
Is my deck at least playable at locals? would I be able to win any games?
do somebody know what version is this arcade cabinet?
Just how?
Preciso achar um jogo parecido com jogos Stick.
do you guys think I can have any fun on locals with this deck?
wich EX battle deck is the best to buy and cheapest to upgrade?
Sabem se ainda existe algum fliperama /arcade de rua em São Paulo? De ficha?
Pô que isso
Arcades e fliperamas por SP (com jogos de ritmo), onde encontro?
[RD/SD0D] Get Fashionable With “Harpie Regina Splendid Armor”
Qual profissão vocês seguiriam se dinheiro não fosse problema?
Quantas vezes vocês fizeram o ENEM
Has anyone got that friend that keeps getting (kinda?) Jealous? Here's mine (image unrelated)
Eevee sir
finally fced this