For those stalking me
I quit weed for 5 months to improve things but idk
Jewish fetish stuff must be stopped.
Why is balenciaga so UGLY?
My pre-donation GFR is 130!
Is the “kardashian body type” out of style?
do universities really check fo ai in sop?
Offer Withdrawal!! What the actual hell is this??!!!!💀💀
So long, thank you all for dealing with my mental breakdown posts!
Sad to say but my only friend is my girl
No news is good news?
Emotional Intros to SOPs
Creators for Palestine strikes again
For those who constantly get rejected for grad school, how do you cope?
Man I am eating
Whats ended your friendship?
Family deaths and sicknesses, it’s hard to cope
My heart rate during my first ever group interview (I completely botched it)
I hate all of my friends
Grad Admissions Director Here - Ask Me (almost) Anything
UPDATE: i gave a tour to a lab i *might’ve been?* accepted to
Best of Rav Avraham Baruch
Is it really this competitive?