Maverick (1994)
What film are you going with?
Chicken pooped a squishy egg
Next, what movie is Man vs Man? (Plenty I assume)
Which movies got you this reaction
Behind Enemy Lines is so disappointing.
Name the movie that gave you this reaction
People who kill bugs after you ask them not to.
One of films greatest reveals! Well I think so….
Did you make any real connections in church?
Egg I collected back in 2020
What's the first movie that you think of when you see Matthew Lillard?
What is the most bland, average, but watchable movie for you?
It's been 5 years since celebrities figured that in order to feel better during lockdown, we needed them to sing Imagine.
How Can I Maximize My 1-Hour Gym Sessions?
The amount of Jesus Mormonism has in it.... It's mostly in the name
Is being an American really as good as people say it is?
Loyalty > Honesty
Wendy Nelson's children's book teaches only "pure doctrine"
Who’s the best and worst actor here ?
"Why I'm Quitting Tillamook Cheese"
Is there an event happening at Multnomah Falls? Surprised to see it packed full on a rainy, cold Monday in March
Second time this week I have seen this in Dairy.
The church is shooting itself in the foot… again.
Wtf did I find in my pool???