[Capitalists] How do you feel about the Trump and Milei governments?
People still like the 26 right?
Why do so many people in the PHX area drive at night without their headlights turned on and why don’t the cops pull them over?
What color camo for rifles here
Dear millennials what was your obscure childhood crush?
This was supposed to be a quick, easy chest rig for range until the good idea fairy kept stopping by…
Has anyone actually been to the gun shows? If so, what's it like?
Do You Use Chinese Gear?
my Recent build 7.5” 308 has a failure to feed issues will not pick up the next round. Tried multiple weights and buffer combos. The 9 mil buffer with regular spring cycled 2 rounds Build list •Aero m5 upper and lower •Unity riser and sig Romeo 5 •Lancer mags •Srl rifle works barrel
Bernie coming to Tempe next week!
Senator Mark Kelly is getting rid of his Tesla - ''What matters is doing the right thing. I don't wanna drive a car built and designed by an asshole.''
Flashback to the time I was 17 are seriously considered buying this
Why do libertarians seldom think of themselves as revolutionaries?
More info on the police enforcement on Wednesday. 406 traffic stops in 9hrs, on a 17 mi stretch of the 101!
Opinions on criterion barrel gas length, and adjustable gas block?
The flags may be different, but the methods are the same
How are you making your Safariland goods work with an ACRO?
Trump was just asked on Fox News if he is expecting a recession this year. He Refuses to answer
Bilstein 5100 install problem
It's 1995, you have $15,000, and you're looking for a sporty compact economy car. Which one would you pick?
Republicans Not Down With MAGA?
TV Light Simulator found in store
Unpopular opinion: Bring back super bright colors…
Travelall steering question.