Minnesota Republican Senator who wanted to make Trump Derangement Syndrome a mental illness was arrested for soliciting prostitution from a minor.
Repent Richard, Repent
Petition to put this guy on fools notice
Trump can do no wrong
But when the world needed him most, he disappeared.
Ye West reunites with old friend of the stream
Dean Withers currently has a 33k viewercount watching him debate trump supporters..
Redbar made it into the new Paul Watson video about Bill Burr
Classic Vikings
Even AI knows about the Browns
cold visions >
I'm about to find out if he asks Modi hard hitting questions about his authoritarian rule over India. What do y'all think happens over the course of this three hour interview?
Dear KOC = It’s Aaron F-ing Rodgers
It’s only gonna age worse.
Asmondad shits on Trump again
“Save the country”
Interesting stuff going on in Chess twitter
This dude wilding
Extend Kwesi
Bro's gonna age like Barron!!!😭
JFKs grandson calling people slurs.( He deleted this post almost immediately)
I fucking hate this fucking dog
Does anyone remember this game?
how do whitearmor/sherm/gud make their melodies emotional
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