mei.leung the most unintelligent rich kid in town
Update 2: Where can I find rare and Unique Heinz Sauce Packets in NJ?
Healthy reminder not to leave your sonny angel by a lit candle
Selena Gomez has sold Alex Russo’s wand on her website for $4.
Hailey Baldwin/Bieber 7 part series
Sooo rude
she can’t be fr
Fake Sonny Angels !!
How can I cover this up? This is devastating😭
5 or 6 cops flying down packard to stone school. Anyone know why?
Staingate prevention on a new screen
Hiring freeze
Who do we love? Who do we hate?
My brand-new MacBook got a cosmetic dent – what should I do?
LONG SHOT: did you find my blue plastic glasses with sparkles?
Oh, that’s not-
80k OOS Tuition
Omg omg omg I’m so blessed💞🍦
Wtf is she doing ? Mind you this an ad for CROCS 😭
small business owner denied me employment because i’m trans
me entering a health psychosis
is there any tea on the tj maxx olsen twins?
Alyssa Antoci
blackbear is in love for "the first time maybe ever"
Welcome to the real world where nobody cares what color laptop you buy