Everyone wants me to get off my medicine
I am so lost.
Anybody here feel like their friends don't truly care about them?
Do I need to go to the ER for treatment?
13/14 DPO. Period was supposed to start today.
Start of a BFP?
13/14 DPO/Period was due today and hasn’t come.
Squiggly Control Line/Squinter???
Am I crazy or I see a very faint line ?
A test of one of my friends, but I have awful line eyes. Do you see anything? First response and about 10 dpo
14 DPO, I thought I was out 😭🩷🙏
13 DPO
13 DPO/One day before period is due
Multiple Brands With Photos Labeled/10 DPO/5 Days Before Period
5 days before missed period/10 DPO
Discipline Births Freedom
I don’t know what to do.
Stasis Supplement
question abt treatments
The Best Sweatshirt I Own
First Response is known for indent lines. Is that what I’m seeing? Or am I imagining things?
Our New Rescue
Stopping all at once