to be an American patriot
Trump Is Threatening Free Speech
Alex Jones pulled up in a Cybertruck to confront anti-Elon protestors
Welcome to Las Vegas, Nee...wait a second...
Deputy confirmed dead in crash at end of pursuit in Inland Empire
Kim Kar-Trashian endorsing a Nazi kar salesman & ode to Nazi husband
Beyond shameful presidency
Dirt Bag Alert
Sikh Freeway Protest on the 60 Today?
to gain sympathy
Why are there so many No Sabo people in the United States?
This dude pulled a knife on my mother in a road rage incident in Corona right next to The Crossings. LMK if you know anything.
West Hollywood - Los Angeles, CA
Political Prisoner in America who was arrested for Free Speech
to get a real answer
Trump's Trade Adviser Clashes with Reporter Over Tariff Questions: 'Stop That Crap’
A complete fraud
to call yourself a genius businessman
Who the fuck is the 44% that approve of trumps handling of economy?
Rainy day activities
Approached for ‘challenge’ at Barnes and noble
Two I.E cities are considered worst air polluted cities in North America.
Scum of the earth
Boomer's Diaper Filling Face
Goodbye Elmo…
Apparently Trump thinks he’s Elvis now…