Breast milk ice cream
Someone else named Amy Lee dropped a song and it accidentally was linked to the one and only!
how do we feel about this?
What image traumatized MCR fans?
What image traumatized your fandom?
most expensive merch youve bought?
My way home is through you
All I'm Saying Is....
what's your favorite MCR song, and why?
Guys Ami scene?
I submitted my Splatoon fanfic for an English assignment
Song suggestions
Gerard spotting
What is your green day hot take?
can’t respond to comments
Just a reminder that this exists.
s/c/a/r/e/c/r/o/w is actually hella underrated
From her man's account
How does Destroya fit with Danger Days?
Similaire artist or album like I brought you my bullets
Who designed the uniforms for I'm not okay?
School Project..
Anybody know if these are any good in person or do you just look like an idiot wearing them? (Also how easily do they wear out over time from normal indoor use?)
I made a playlist of ALL MCR songs available on Spotify
Saddest mcr song ?