Ulrich is a foul man
my sad Praguer life...
I can't play KCD2 anymore, it's ruined for me.
Why does the range of the Northern Raccoon seem to go all around this white area?
Girl in my hometown rear-ended this guy. Damage to his car at the end of the video:
[KCD2] My thoughts every time I'm trying to sell loot after a quest
The mill twink trying to convince Henry to choke him out for the 10th time
Thank god they finally took care of the big issues!
There are 2 types of bowl cut wearers
How do I tell my barber, I want this cut without showing him this pic.
Henry's drip
We do a little reskinning
[KCD2]It's time you guys stop with the mods... 😂
NPCs do wear item you drop FYI
There aint a thought going through this mf head
Just got my pizzle yanked
My glorious pookie Godwin
What if Otto von Bergov was called "Otto von Twerkoff" and he threw it back and did the thug shaker??????
Sourced Straight From Bozhena
Ball tro but make it fungal:
Slow down
Mushroom Representation: Lucky Cat, but make it fungal